Moog Repairs
< Minimoog repair
to Moog Modular repair >
< Rogue repair
to Memorymoog repair >
Restored Memorymoogs and Minimoogs ready for final calibration and testing. Click here to see some of our many synth restorations…past and present…
We offer complete Minimoog restorations including wood / cabinet repairs, color touch ups, or complete refinishes. Replacement wheels, circuit repairs, factory upgrades ( if requested ) and tuning. Repair or replace panel controls and switches, power supply rebuilding, and even oscillator rebuilds for greatly improved stability.
Restore the original playability and sound !!
We use original parts whenever possible and do no repairs or upgrades without discussing it with you first.
* Taurus Pedals Service and Repair *
We can rebuild Taurus pedals from the ground up! Featuring full restoration, cleaning , voicing, and tuning.
We can replace the old key contacts with a new, custom keyswitch set for a quicker, reliable key action !
Oberheim Repairs
< OB 1 repair
to Eight Voice repair >
< OBXa to Matrix 12 repairs >
Sequential Circuits Repairs
< Pro -One repair
to Prophet 600 repair >
< Prophet 5 repair
to Prophet 10 repair >
ARP Repairs
< Axxe repair
to Odyssey repair >
We offer ARP 2600 upgrades and repairs including all of the above services plus.....
ARP 2600 reverb unit upgrades using high quality Accutronics reverb assemblies plus audio path chip upgrades for quieter output and improved sonic performance.
Roland Repairs
< SH-09 repair
to System 700 repair >
< Juno 60 repair
to Jupiter 8 repair >
Octave Repairs
< Kitten repair
to Cat repair >
“ Being a vintage synthesizer player and enthusiast myself, I am very much into the repair and restoration of these instruments. With over 30 years of experience with them, I have been around most of these instruments since they were new, and I understand how they should sound and feel.
Servicing these instruments can be very challenging due to age problems and parts availability, but a properly restored and calibrated vintage synthesizer is worth every effort.......”
Please call or email me with any questions....... We offer FREE estimates !
Vintage Synthesizer Repair
Analog Synthesizer Repair
< Omni repair
to Quadra repair >
Korg Repairs
< MS20 repair to
Mono/Poly repair >
<Polysix repair
to T3 repair >
Drum Machine Repairs
Synthesizer / Sound Module Repairs
And many, many more….!!
Restored Oberheim family, OBXa, DX, and DSX
Checkout some past vintage synthesizer restorations